- Combined Pulsed Magnetic Field and Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Enhances MMP-9, Collagen-4, VEGF Synthesis to Improve Wound Healing Via Hif-1α/eNOS Pathway
- 📄 Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 47 (6), 2841-2852
- 📅 2023
- 📑 Citations: 8
- Wool drying process in heat-pump-assisted dryer by fuzzy logic modelling
- 📄 Thermal Science 27 (4 Part B), 3043-3050
- 📅 2023
- 📑 Citations: 5
- Example of Using 3D Printers in Hospital Biomedical Units
- 📄 International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 6 (2)
- 📅 2022
- 📑 Citations: 3
- Thermodynamic analysis of refrigerants used in ORC-VCC combined power systems for low temperature heat sources
- 📄 Thermal Science 26 (4 Part A), 2855-2863
- 📅 2022
- 📑 Citations: 3
- Autoclave device exergy and energy analysis in hospital sterilization units
- 📄 Thermal Science 26 (4 Part A), 2955-2961
- 📅 2022
- 📑 Citations: 3
- Retinal nerve fiber layer detection at optical coherence tomography image for the diagnosis of glaucoma
- 📄 2015 Medical Technologies National Conference (TIPTEKNO), 1-3
- 📅 2015
- 📑 Citations: 3
- Investigation of Escherichia coli bacteria growth process using electronic nose
- 📄 2010 15th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting, 1-4
- 📅 2010
- 📑 Citations: 3
- Thermodynamic Analysis of A Novel Combined Supercritical CO2 And Organic Rankine Cycle
- 📄 International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Research 5 (1), 33-47
- 📅 2023
- 📑 Citations: 2
- Skolyoz Hastaları için Omurga Ağrılarını Hafifleten Karbon Filmli Korse Tasarımı
- 📄 Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 416-420
- 📅 2021
- 📑 Citations: 2
- Uyku Kalitesi ile İlişkili Faktörlerin Değerlendirilmesi ve Gereksinim Analizi
- 📄 Uyku Bülteni 2 (1), 1-5
- 📅 2021
- 📑 Citations: 2
- Elektronik burun ve temel bileşen analizi ile mikroorganizmaların saptanması
- 📄 Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi, Kütahya
- 📅 2008
- 📑 Citations: 2
- Gaz Yakıtlı Kombi Sisteminin Yapay Sinir Ağı ile Yakıt Miktarı Tahmini Isparta Örneği
- 📄 Uluslararası Teknolojik Bilimler Dergisi 15 (1), 11-18
- 📅 2023
- 📑 Citations: 1
- Diyabet hastaları için arduino kontrollü insülin pompası tasarımı
- 📄 Teknik Bilimler Dergisi 11 (1), 39-43
- 📅 2023
- 📑 Citations: 1