Members List

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
Assoc. Prof. DrSayed ImanHosseiniShahrood University of TechnologyIranAcademic Research and Development
MrSalvatoreLa MannaUniversity of Catania and National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems (IMM) Italy.ItalyAcademic Research Impact Award
Prof. DrMd. Minhaj UddinMonirJashore University of Science and TechnologyBangladeshBest Researcher Award
ProfBoHuSchool of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
DrXiurongHuNanjing university of Aeronautics and AstronauticsChinaBest Researcher Award
ProfAhmedKhodairKafrelsheikh UniversityEgyptBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrMd. NurAlamPabna University of Science and TechnologyBangladeshBest Researcher Award
DrAnindya SundarPanjaOriental Institute of Science and TechnologyIndiaBest Researcher Award
DrAgustinaCostaANLIS-MALBRANArgentinaBest Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. DrVahidJahangiriDepartment of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mohaghegh ArdabiliIranBest Researcher Award
DrPankajMalkaniDr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural UniversityIndiaBest Researcher Award
DrMicaelNascimentoUniversidade de AveiroPortugalBest Researcher Award
DrDong ChanLimKorea Institute of Materials ScienceSouth KoreaBest Researcher Award
MrKuanWang1. Xi’an Hantang Analysis & Test Co., Ltd. 2. Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal ResearchChinaBest Researcher Award
Profkyu raeLeeGachon UniversitySouth KoreaBest Researcher Award
MrR V RaghavendraRaoB.M.S. College of Engineering, Bengaluru.IndiaBest Researcher Award
ProfThirumavalavanMunusamySaveetha Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil NaduIndiaBest Researcher Award
DrALAMANOHARYeungnam UniversitySouth KoreaBest Researcher Award
DrNaziachaudharyACTREC,TMCIndiaBest Researcher Award
DrVayiaXanthopoulouUniversity of PatrasGreeceBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for